Our Food Bank collects, stores, sorts and distributes over 6,000 meals each day to food pantries across five counties including Walla Walla, Franklin, Columbia, Garfield and Asotin.
Click here for our most recent Food Distribution Calendar.
Want a list of all other community food resources? Click here for our most recent Walla Walla Food Resource Flyer.
Picking up a box of food on Distribution Day? Fill out the TEFAP Registration Form ahead of time! Click here for the form.
Can't pick up a box of food yourself? Have someone pick up a box for you by filling out a Proxy Form. Click here for the form.
Currently, one-third of the population we serve is under the age of 18 and one in five of them aren’t getting enough food over the weekend. We work with community partners and schools to identify the gaps and provide elementary school children with weekend meal bags to get them fed over the weekends and long breaks.
Join us in the effort to make sure that no children in our community go hungry over the weekend. Click HERE to help.
Many people who qualify for Basic Food are not yet signed up to receive benefits. It's easy to find out if you're eligible. We have dedicated staff who strive to make the enrollment process as hassle‐free as possible. There is online registration as well as a phone option.
For more information, call the BMAC Food Bank at 509-529-3561.
Follow these links for Basic Food Information and Basic Food Eligibility Calculator.
Once a month, on the third Thursday from 1pm-3pm, we distribute several hundred food boxes to registered seniors 60+ who are on a fixed income and program-eligible. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) food distribution is held on the third Thursday of each month at our Food Bank.
Applications for CSFP are available at the main office or the Food Bank.
Did you know we rescue over 300,000 pounds of food each year from grocery stores, farms and gardens?
Each week, our team makes rounds at local grocery stores, rescuing food that may otherwise have been thrown away. We take that food and get it into the homes of neighbors.
Gleaning! Our partners at the Whitman Glean team work with farms to glean their excess produce that sometimes would die on the vine. We include that fresh produce in food boxes and deliver it to local food pantries.
We encourage neighbors to donate extra produce from their gardens and often take it to residents at our housing properties.
Getting fresh produce into the emergency food system is an increasingly important part of hunger-relief efforts in communities across Washington. BMAC is partnered with Harvest Against Hunger and the Washington Department of Agriculture (WSDA) in a collaborative effort to bring local produce to those in need through “Farm to Food Pantry.” This program allows BMAC to purchase fresh produce directly from local small farms, including Frog Hollow Farm, Hayshaker Farm, R&R Produce, and Welcome Table Farm. In the first year, these contracted farms supplied BMAC with cherries, apricots, peaches, lettuce, chard, radish, beans, mixed veggies, garlic, corn, potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, rutabaga, zucchini, cucumber, and more. These foods were distributed through BMACʼs food pantry network to people in need in our communities.
According to Harvest Against Hunger, “purchasing directly from a local farmer will increase the availability of local crops while improving access to healthier food choices for families and individuals in need. Buying produce directly from the farmers also dramatically strengthens the bond between farmer and food bank. Our experience has shown that if a farmer has a strong relationship with a local food bank they are significantly more inclined to make additional produce donations.”
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